Glassex-cellent time for the Insight team

The build-up was intense, the show itself more so and the hangovers even more so again, but after 4 days and nights of Glassex mania I’m pleased to say Insight had its most successful year ever!
The mojitos went down a treat (with our team as much as our stand visitors) and the whole event had a really good vibe about it. We launched a number of new developments including an iPad version of Salestracker and some exciting new apps to go along with it.
However, with so many references to the ghosts of Glassex past, even I began to feel nostalgic – and this was my first show! Talk of double-decker stands, arcade machines and hospitality suites left me thinking I’ve missed out on Glassex in its heyday, but you know what? I got to enjoy conversations with some really great people, gain a better insight into the industry than I could have ever hoped and experience the wonder that is Flares – what more could a gal ask for?!
Some may call it youthful ignorance but from a ‘Glassex virgin’ point of view, I thought it was a brilliant show and had a really good time. Everyone worked really hard and I think a sincere well done (and possibly a mojito party with the leftover bottles – hint hint Andrew) is in order for all involved.
Feedback from new and existing customers was fantastic, and we took 143 qualified leads and had 7 companies sign-up at the show. It was fun to see our competitors lurch around shoulders hunched in the background hoping to pick up a few scraps. They should have booked a stand – there was plenty of business for everyone at Glassex.
I’m going to announce the new Salestracker developments and database product launches in a new blog post shortly, so keep an eye out.
But as always, there’s no rest for the wicked… time to start work for G10! Then there’s the Christmas party to organise…