Direct Mail and Email Marketing Get Ready to Rumble

Direct mail was the undisputed champion of the marketing world until the new kid on the block, email marketing, exploded onto the scene. To fight back, direct mail now has a killer blow up its sleeve according to Insight Data’s Marketing Services Manager Sophie Priest:
“We’ve noticed recently that our customers are getting much better results from direct mail. As some companies have switched to email marketing there are fewer mailshots being sent out, so this incredibly powerful way of targeting new customers is packing extra punch.”
But companies should be quick to take advantage of this opportunity because a recent report published by the Mail Media Centre (MMC) suggests that direct mail is going to make a big comeback.
Sophie comments further:
“Both approaches have their benefits – email marketing is a low-cost and highly effective way of engaging with a large number of people, whilst direct mail is a powerful and valuable way of winning new customers in the window and building industry because of its highly personalised nature, exclusivity, and the fact that it stays around and be passed from person to person.
“We follow marketing trends very closely here at Insight, and think it would be premature to say that digital marketing has knocked direct mail out – they are both strong marketing tools and engage with people in different ways.
“But there is clearly an opportunity for a tightly worded and good looking direct mail to win new business at a time when email marketing is particularly popular,” Sophie concludes.
Insight provides a complete direct mail service including design and print of company newsletters, postcard mailers and direct mail flyers all designed to help companies target fabricators, installers, architects, local builders or IGU manufacturers. The company can produce a one-off campaign or provide a regular monthly mailshot that generates a steady stream of sales leads.
For more information contact Sophie Priest, Marketing Services Manager, on 01934 808293 or visit