Why buying data is crucial for marketing success

Marketing contacts

One of the principal reasons that companies choose to work with marketing agencies is for access to ‘contacts’. As we know, the lifeblood of any business is reaching potential customers, and very often it is a case of ‘who you know’, as opposed to ‘what you know’, in terms of securing new leads.

The job of a marketing agency is to ‘know’ potential customers, and who best to target its client’s products or services at. The question is – does the marketing agency you employ explore every nook and cranny of your industry in a bid to find new leads? And if you’re a marketing agency, do you have access to the very latest, up-to-the-minute information or are you relying on search engines to locate potential customers?

If the answer to either question is ‘No’, then it is well worth considering an investment in marketing data, which serves as the foundation for informed decision-making and effective campaigns. By capturing accurate, up-to-date information about potential customers, businesses can tailor their messaging, optimise their outreach and ultimately achieve higher conversion rates. This is where the expertise of companies like Insight Data becomes invaluable.

When it comes to marketing data, precision is everything. In times past, marketeers, both in-house and agency, often employed a scattergun policy towards the generation of leads – a bit of advertising here, a mailshot or two there, and a lot of hope that some of this would stick. Sometimes it worked, sometimes it didn’t – either way, it’s fair to say that there was very little science behind the whole operation.

Today is a different story. The sheer volume of information out there, along with the need to keep abreast of rapid changes – for example, firms setting up, others going bust, staff leaving, new starters, etc – equates to a full-time job for someone overseeing such data management. And even then, such a role isn’t a job for an amateur. Deep knowledge of data management systems is required, plus the tenacity to chase leads.

Comprehensive Database Solutions

At Insight Data, we offer a wide range of database solutions tailored to various industries and market segments. Our extensive datasets provide contact details for key decision makers within the construction and fenestration sectors, builders and contractors as well as architects.

By providing access to this meticulously curated data, we enable marketing agencies to target their clients’ ideal prospects with a high degree of accuracy. This level of granularity allows for highly focused campaigns that resonate with the intended audience, resulting in improved engagement and ROI.

Salestracker: A Game-Changing CRM and Sales Prospecting Platform

One of our most powerful offerings is Salestracker, an innovative CRM and sales prospecting tool designed specifically for the construction and fenestration industries. This platform combines real time data updates, advanced search and filtering capabilities, performance tracking and reporting features, and integration with marketing tools.

Data Cleansing and Enhancement Services

Maintaining data quality is crucial for effective marketing campaigns. By partnering with our data specialists, agencies will have access to relevant and reliable data which will significantly improve the effectiveness of their client’s marketing efforts, and reduce wasted resources on invalid or outdated information, allowing them to focus more on strategy development, creative executing and campaign optimisation.

Harnessing the Competitive Edge

Ultimately, access to our diverse range of industry-specific databases opens new market opportunities for marketing agencies. They can confidently pitch to clients in sectors they may not have previously served, armed with in-depth market intelligence and targeted data. This expansion of services can lead to increased revenue streams and a more diverse client portfolio.

Our solutions also provide agencies with valuable market insights and trends. This information empowers agencies to make data-driven recommendations to their clients, enhancing their role as strategic partners. By basing decisions on concrete data rather than assumptions, agencies can demonstrate clear value and achieve better outcomes for their clients.

In conclusion, buying marketing data provides a strategic advantage that can transform the effectiveness of marketing campaigns and drive substantial results for clients. In an increasingly competitive landscape, the insights and capabilities provided by quality marketing data can be the difference between a good campaign and an exceptional one.

Get in touch today to find out more information about investing in high quality data.