Last month, the DMA (Direct Marketing Association), an organisation responsible for promoting best practice in data management, visited Insight Data and found that we were compliant with all of their requirements when it comes to data compliance. Best practice data … Continue reading
Category Archives: Insight University- Marketing
How bad data can affect your marketing results
You’ve probably heard of, or know, the computer expression GIGO: Garbage In, Garbage Out. No matter how advanced your computer system, the output will only ever be as good as the information you put in. The same principle applies to … Continue reading
Why Direct Mail is still the King of lead generation
You’d be forgiven for thinking direct mail is old hat. With the rise of social media, content and inbound marketing, search engine optimisation and pay-per-click campaigns, surely there is no room for this old-fashioned, expensive marketing channel? Well, there will … Continue reading
Marketing Ethics: A wounded animal lashes out
As companies slowly recover from recession and look at their sales and marketing strategy again, Andrew Scott, Managing Director of Purplex Marketing, asks whether it’s time to stop the back-biting and get back to professional marketing. This year was a … Continue reading