Industry Insolvencies: A Review of 2024’s Second Financial Quarter 

Despite a 21% decrease in insolvencies from the first quarter, down from a distressing 900 to 771, the numbers remain alarmingly high. This stagnation underscores the ongoing challenges posed by economic and political uncertainties and fluctuating market conditions which continue to plague the industry. 


A Closer Look at the Numbers 

April saw 219 companies succumbing to insolvency pressures, a significant drop from the 382 insolvencies recorded in March. This initial decline sparked a sense of optimism within the built environment sector. However, this was short-lived as May recorded 259 insolvency cases, followed by 213 in June. These numbers indicate that, while the worst may have passed, the industry is far from recovery and continues to face substantial challenges. 


The Decline of Local Builders 

One particularly concerning trend is the decline in local builders, who play a vital role in the construction industry. Despite the overall stability in the number of contacts in our databases, there has been an 11% decline in our local builders’ database since the beginning of the year. While 11% may appear an insignificant sum, it’s important to note that the past five years have seen the number of newly incorporated local builders drop year on year, plummeting from 380 in 2019 to just 106 in 2023. This decline is alarming given the critical role these builders play in supporting the construction ecosystem. 


Struggles Faced by Local Builders 

Local builders are especially vulnerable to economic fluctuations due to their reliance on cash flow and fixed-price contracts. They face heightened risks from project delays, labour availability issues, and fluctuating material costs. These vulnerabilities are further exacerbated by the operational model of larger housebuilders, who subcontract a significant portion of their work to small, specialist contractors. This practice transfers a substantial amount of risk down the supply chain, leaving local builders particularly exposed during downturns. 


The Impact of Economic Conditions 

The sharp downturns in private housing new builds and the repair, maintenance, and improvement (RM&I) sectors in the second half of 2023 have carried over into 2024, disproportionately affecting small, specialist contractors. The combination of reduced demand and increased operational risks has created a challenging environment for local builders, many of whom are struggling to stay afloat. 


Looking Ahead  

As the industry moves forward, it is crucial for businesses to stay informed and adapt to the shifting landscape. The recent changes in the economic and political climate add another layer of complexity, making it more important than ever to leverage reliable market intelligence. 

At Insight Data, our commitment to the fenestration and construction industries goes beyond just providing data. We aim to strengthen these industries’ resilience and success. We know that builders are notoriously hard to track down due to the limited available information on them. However, we have gone through the painstaking process of collecting that information. 

By using our comprehensive database of over 22,200 verified local builders, businesses can work more effectively with these local builders, contributing to economic improvement. This is particularly crucial given the troubling outlook of local builder insolvencies. Our local builder prospect database offers an immediate solution to this growing issue, helping to stabilise and support the sector. 


Support from Insight Data 

Through our comprehensive and accurate data, we help businesses form strong partnerships and achieve stability and growth. This, in turn, supports the entire industry, driving it towards a more resilient and prosperous future. 

For more detailed insights and to access our free monthly insolvency reports, click here. For further information about accessing our prospect data and marketing solutions, contact our team on 01934 808293 or email   

Stay informed, stay prepared, and let Insight Data help you navigate the complexities of the construction landscape in 2024.