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Saved Lists

The Saved Lists page displays all the lists you have built within Salestracker. To access this page, simply click on the “Saved Lists” link on the main navigation.

Salestracker - Saved Lists Button


The saved lists page organises lists into section called “folders”. Like their real-life physical counterparts, you can place many lists inside of a folder and label the folder in order to keep things organised.

By default, the folders are shown as an “accordion” – you click on one of the rows (the “folder”) and it opens up to reveal the lists inside. Click it again to “close” the folder and hide the lists inside it.

Salestracker - Saved Lists Folders

Salestracker - Saved Lists Folder Display

You can set the display to be more graphical by setting your folder display to “icons” under preferences – find out how in this article.

Salestracker will always present you with two folders minimum – one will be “Default Folder” and the other will be “Shared Lists”. The former is the default location for any lists you create, and the latter shows any “public” lists that your colleagues may have made visible to everyone on your subscription (please see “Visibility” later in this article for more information).

You can create you own folders to add lists into. Click the “Add a folder” button and a pop-up window will present itself.

Salestracker - Saved Lists Add Folder
Enter a name for the folder into the box presented to you and then click the “Save” button to create the folder. Please note that folder names can only have letters, numbers and spaces.

Salestracker - Saved Lists Add Folder Dialog

Folders you have created have two buttons on them that allow you to manage them.

Salestracker - Saved Lists Remove Folder

The edit button allows you to change the name of the folder. The remove button allows you to delete the folder – please note that removing a folder only removes the folder itself and not the lists inside it (they will be placed back inside the “Default Folder”).

To move a list to a folder, click the “Move list” button on the row of the list you wish to move.

Salestracker - Saved Lists Move List

A pop-up window will appear with a drop-down menu of available folders. Select the folder you want to move the list to and click “Save” to move it.

Salestracker - Saved Lists Move List Dialog

The Lists

Lists are displayed in a table inside each folder:

Salestracker - Saved Lists Overview

  • List Name – the name of the list given to it when it was created/saved. If the list name is “LastListCreated”, the list will be a copy of the list you last created before you logged out (a backup measure). Click the list name to open and view the list. If a list has no records in it, the system will not open it when you click on the name.
  • No. of Records – the amount of records in the list. Please note that this figure may update when you open the list, and this figure should be considered a “last count”.
  • Database – the database this list came from, usually “My Data” or one of the Insight subscribed databases.
  • Date Created – the date the list was created.
  • List Type – this is usually “Dynamic” (i.e. a list that updates itself with current records depending on the criteria selected in the list builder when creating the list), “Hotlist” (i.e. a custom list you have built yourself record-by-record) or “Pushed by [username]” (i.e. the list has been built by someone else and they have pushed a copy to you).
  • Visibility – “Private” by default (meaning only you can view this list) or “All” (meaning that anyone on your subscription can open and view this list).
  • Folder – click the button to assign the list to another folder (see above under “Folders“).
  • View Criteria – clicking the “View criteria” button for a list will display a pop-up featuring all the criteria that was chosen when the list was built. Please note that hotlists and “My Data” lists will not offer this button as these lists were not generated by the list builder.
  • Remove List – clicking the “Delete” button next to a list will allow you to completely remove the list (it will prompt to ask if you are sure before removing).

The only default list is “My Data”, a list that always shows at the top of the Default Folder. This contains all the private records you and/or your users have added to the system. It cannot be deleted or moved to another folder and is available for everyone on your subscription. Users subscribed to the data-only version of Salestracker will not see a “My Data” list.

Renaming a List

Salestracker - View List Edit Name

The edit button next to the list name allows you to rename the list by typing a new name into the text field provided and clicking the save button.

Viewing a List

Clicking on a list will bring up the “list view”.

Salestracker - View List Overview

The following numbers match those in the diagram above:

  1. The name the list was given when it was created.
  2. Display” button – change what columns the list displays. Find out more under “list buttons” below.
  3. Visibility” button – change who can see this list. Find out more under “list buttons” below.
  4. Exclude” button – choose what relationship statuses to exclude. Find out more under “list buttons” below.
  5. Global note” button – add an activity note to every record in this list. Find out more under “list buttons” below.
  6. Documents” button – …
  7. Export” button – save all the records in this list to a file. Find out more under “list buttons” below.
  8. Push List” button – send a copy of this list to another user on your subscription. Find out more under “list buttons” below.
  9. Map View” button – …
  10. Reset Filters” button – when typing a search term into the search field at the top right, the lists will be filtered to match the search term. Pressing the “Reset Filters” button resets the list to it’s original state.
  11. Remove Tagged Records” button – records that have a check next to their entry in the table can be removed
  12. Add to hotlist” button – records that have a check next to their entry in the table can be added to a hotlist you have previously created by selecting a hotlist from the dropdown and then clicking on “Add to hotlist”.
  13. This table shows the records in the list. The company name is clickable and takes you to the record view for this record (see linked article for more details).
  14. Navigation controls for navigating through pages either by picking a page from the dropdown, or by using the first, previous, next and last buttons.
  15. Colour picker for setting a colour to tag records in a list

Please Note: On the “My Data” list, a “Delete” button appears next to every record. Clicking this will completely delete the record from the system (you will be prompted for confirmation before deletion). Deleted records cannot be recovered.

List Buttons

As shown above, there are a number of buttons that allow you to perform various operations. They are detailed below.


By default created lists are only viewable by the user who created them. In Salestracker terms, this means they are set to be “private”. However, you may want to share certain lists with all the users on your subscription. We call this “changing the visibility” of a list.

To change the visibility of the list you are looking at, click the “Visibility” button. A pop-up box will appear explaining list visibility.

Salestracker - View List Visibility

Click the circle next to the visibility setting you want; “All users” (public) to allow everyone on your subscription to see the list, “Private” to keep the list locked to everyone but yourself. Click “Update” to save the visibility setting.

Any lists set to “All users” will appear in other people’s saved lists page under the “Shared Lists” folder (see “Folders” above).

Lists tied to campaigns are automatically set to “All users” by default, and cannot have their visibility changed back to private unless they are removed from any campaigns or the campaigns they are tied to are deleted.


You can change which columns are displayed in this list within the list view (see “Viewing a List” above). Click “Display” to show a pop-up menu containing the available fields.

Salestracker - View List Display

You can choose up to six fields to display within the list view – please note, we recommend that at least one of the fields is the company name, otherwise you will not be able to click on a record to see its details!

The three buttons are as follows:

  • Apply to this list – clicking this will apply the fields to the current list only. Once you move away from the list the display settings will be lost.
  • Apply to all lists – sets the fields you have chosen as the default columns for all lists.
  • Reset – returns the fields displayed to the ones you have set by default.

You can additionally change which fields you display by default under preferences.


Within the list you may want to exclude companies with a specific relationship status or credit rating. For example, you may want a list for prospects to not include customers. Another example would be to exclude all companies with a credit rating less than 30.

To exclude companies based on relationships or credit rating, click the “Exclude” button. A popup will appear featuring the relationship statuses configured for your subscription.

Salestracker - View List Excludes

Tick the boxes next to the relationships you want to exclude and/or click the radio button next to the credit ratings you wish to exclude and then click the “Update” button to exclude them. These selections will be kept for the next time you open/view the list. In order to bring back those excluded companies back, either change their relationship status to a value that has not been excluded or simply untick the value in the box and click “Update” again. To revoke all credit-based exclusions, place a mark in the radio button next to “No Preference” under credit rating.

Please note that all lists by default have the “Do not contact” status ticked by default. This is because Salestracker assumes that you do not want to ever contact the companies assigned this status! However, you can untick this box and bring those companies back into the list if you wish to do so.

Please also note that credit ratings are provided by a third party and exclusions are based on these third party ratings.

Global note

If you need to add a note to all the records in a list, you do not need to do it one at a time! To add a note to all records in the list, click “Global note“. A pop-up will appear.

Salestracker - View List Global Note

Type your note into the box and then click “Save“. It will then appear as a new entry within the activity section of the records in this list.


You may need to at some point export the records in the list out to a file. Salestracker exports to the following file format:

  • CSV (comma separated values)

Click the “Export” button to bring up a pop-up dialogue:

Salestracker - View List Export

For the “list format”, click the circle next to the data you want the system to export:

  • Standard format: one record per company, favouring primary contact.
  • Full list format: one record per contact (multiple lines per company).
  • Primary Email List Format: one record per company (primary contact emails only with full company details).
  • Email list format and quick email format: one record per email address – the former has full company details and the latter has abridged details.

The first two options are more ideal for direct mail lists, the latter two are specifically configured as email lists.

Finally, select which other information to include. These options will be different depending on what database the list has came from:

  • Business Details (UK and ROI Fenestration only) – the market sectors, the type of address (showroom, warehouse, etc.) and whether they are an installer.
  • Product Details (UK and ROI Fenestration only) – a comprehensive export of all the products each company provides.
  • Credit Details (UK / ROI Fenestration and Local Builders only) – basic credit information, including credit rating as provided by our third-party credit provider.
  • Relationship Details (status, main contact, etc. if set)
  • CRM Custom Tab Fields (may slow down export depending on quantity of customisations)
  • Contact Customisation Fields (may slow down export depending on quantity of customisations)

Once you are happy with the selections, click the “Export” button in the lower-right of the box. The export process may take a couple of minutes and is affected by the speed of your internet connection, as well as how much data you have requested Salestracker to export. A file should shortly download including the data you wanted to export.


Clicking the “Push” button will bring up a pop-up box featuring a list of all the users on your subscription:

Salestracker - View List Push

Tick the users you wish to share the list with, and then click “Push” to send a copy of the list to them, it will appear inside their “Default Folder”.

The main difference between Push and Visibility is that push makes a copy of the list – any changes you make to the list will not be reflected in the version of a list shared with someone else, as for all intents and purposes they are different lists. If you need to share a list that everyone can keep up-to-date with, please use Visibility instead of Push.

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