Why Use a Customer Relationship Management System?

Customer relationship management systems are a must-have when it comes to modern day business. Building good relationships with clients is not only important for customer retention but also for acquiring new customers. Most companies end up leaving their current supplier because they feel undervalued or ignored so how do you keep in touch and up-to date with all of your customers.


A CRM system allows you to keep track of all your clients, your interaction history and what products/services they use. Businesses often store information on spreadsheets or cards but these are easily misplaced, lost, outdated or inaccurate which leads to clients feeling neglected and not cared about.

Salestracker-3.5With a CRM system you can simply log on and see every little bit of interaction between yourselves and that business, allowing you to form strategies to nurture and care for your customers and make them feel
valued, which will lead to them spreading the word about how good you are as a business.

This will only enhance your company’s reputation and could even increase customer acquisition. A good CRM system will notify you if you haven’t been in contact with a customer within a certain period of time so you’ll always have your finger on the pulse when it comes to great customer service.

Customer data is one of the most valuable assets a business can have. Employees can change jobs, move location or retire at any time. If all the client information a staff member has dealt with is stored locally then it is lost, and with it extremely valuable information that could be used in the future. The beauty of a CRM system is that it allows customer data to remain meaningful no matter who comes and goes the information will always be accessible and keep you in the loop when it comes to your clients.

Organise your customers and your leads. Now you’ve sorted a strategy to nurture and care for your clients, what about your prospects? A customer relationship management system will allow you to store all information and interactions with a prospect, so if speaking to them again in the future you know exactly what they have previously spoke or enquired about.

Credit-MobileThis will allow you to tailor strategies to convert these prospects into clients. The information will remain and you will start to see opportunities in the market that you may not have previously noticed. Just because someone hasn’t brought from you today doesn’t mean they won’t in the future. Keep in touch with them regularly and get notified by your CRM system at specific times to follow up and they will be your customers in no time. Now your CRM system is not only a helpful customer service tool, it is also helping you to generate new business.

Organisation and Information

The key factor for using a CRM system is to organise and store valuable information to help form strategies for the future. Whether it be up-selling to customers, converting prospects into clients or simply improving your customer service, whatever the motive a CRM system is invaluable and a must-have for your business. If you aren’t using one you are falling behind the times and could be missing out on thousands of opportunities you didn’t even know existed. Organise your business, improve customer service and acquire new clients today with a CRM system and you’ll wonder how you ever managed without one.

For more information on Salestracker, Insight Data’s live database CRM system please call 01934 808293 or email hello@insightdata.co.uk